University of Opole: Inauguration of Academic Year 2024-2025

The start of the year is an extraordinary time, especially for students only just entering the premises of the university, as well as for future graduates, who will spend this final year of higher education on improving written diploma pieces.

On the third of October 2024 at the University of Opole, the ceremonious inauguration of the new academic year took place. Traditionally, the event was started through singing the Gaude Mater Polonia song, underlining the dignified nature of the meeting.

At the opening of the ceremony, the departing rector of the University of Opole, Prof. Marek Masnyk, took the stage and delivered a detailed account of the university’s activities during his previous 2020-2024 term of office. During his appearance, he emphasized the key achievements of the school, including the development of infrastructure, educational offerings’ expansion, and the prestige growth of the University of Opole both nationally and internationally. He also briefly summarized his accomplishments during the two terms he had the pleasure of serving.

In a symbolic act of transferring power, Prof. Marek Masnyk handed over the rector’s insignia to his successor, Prof. Jacek Lipok, who officially assumed the position of rector of the University of Opole on the day of the inauguration. After the handover, the new rector delivered his first speech in this role, in which he outlined the directions for the university’s further growth, emphasizing the meaning of innovation and international cooperation.

The next part of the ceremony was made up of speeches by invited guests, among which present were representatives from the academic community, local government authorities, and other universities. Their words highlighted not only the significance of the University of Opole in the region but also the challenges awaiting young scientists and students in the coming years. They also expressed heartfelt wishes to the newly chosen Rector.

A core moment was the matriculation of new students and doctoral candidates. The young scholar adepts took an oath, officially joining the academic community fellowship of the University of Opole. On their behalf spoke Aleksandra Krupop, the newly elected chairperson of the UO Student Council, and Michał Petka, chairperson of the UO Doctoral Students’ Council, emphasizing in their speeches the importance of engagement and collaboration in academic life, having fun through learning, and the significance of building memories that will last for years.

The ceremony culminated with an inaugural lecture titled “AI Programming – What Could Go Wrong?” delivered by Dr. Mariusz Pelc, Professor of UO. His presentation focused on the challenges associated with the developing field of artificial intelligence and the potential threats arising from its improper use.

The participants concluded with the singing of the academic hymn Gaudemus  Igitur, symbolically opening the new academic year, filled with hope, challenges, and possibilities for the entire University of Opole community.

Taking part in the inauguration is always an incredible experience for all participants, full of emotions, contemplation, and reflections. It’s a chance to inspire oneself and others for the upcoming academic year. We would like to wish everyone perseverance in work and a positive attitude, despite and in defiance of everyday adversities!

Text: Natalia Kowerek


(photos: Natalia Kowerek)

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Author: Radio Sygnały

Radio Sygnały (Radio Signals) is a modern student online station with long-standing traditions. We were established on the 24th of April 1957, and for many years, operated as a public address system in the dormitories of the Higher Pedagogical School (later the University of Opole). After a five-year gap starting in the year 2000, we resumed our activity on a new platform: the Internet.

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